Monday, January 12, 2015

A Thought For All

A beautiful artist once wrote;

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked."

Can you name this artist? If not, I suggest that you leave this page or, perhaps, remain for a little lesson that might lead you into boredom because of its vastness.

I do hope you stay.

All around me I see success in so many forms, happiness, depths of failure, sadness, lethargy, fatigue, doubt, pleasure, loneliness, joy, love, etc. The list goes on.
I often wonder what causes these emotions to stir through each individual and I can't help but think that we're all linked in a way.
No matter the feeling or reason, we've all experienced these beautiful and ever so tragic emotions.

We've all been there.

We've been sad.
We've been happy.
We've been angry.
We've been hurt.
We've failed.
We've won.
We've been lost.
We've been confused.
We've been loved.
We've been hated.
We've loved.
We've hated. 
We've been mad.
We've been lucky.
We've been thankful.

Again, the list goes on.

I think our society depicts happiness as wealth and success.

This is not true.

This assumption that success leads to wealth and vice versa is demeaning, We are becoming madden by this hope of fortune and that only it can save you. We spend too many years working ourselves to the ground JUST to have to pay back those years of education with our future salary. Doesn't this seem a little off to you? We're basically taught to go to school in order to get a job, thus leading to depending on our future salaries to pay back those years of debt. Fortunately, I did not continue my college career, so that's a plus side of not having a degree.

And how far will a degree actually go?

Many of those in college are:

 a) living at home, going to school, and maybe working
 b) living in the dorms, going to school, and maybe working
 c) renting an apartment, going to school, and definitely working too much
 d) living with friends and not paying rent, and going to school
 e) feeling overwhelmed, dropping out, and working
 e) all of the above at one time or another

Being in school, living on your own, and working full time in order to support yourself all generally lead to negative aspects. This just does not seem realistic. I am in huge awe of those who manage to conquer school and a full time job. Kudos to you (you are seriously my hero)!

What's the actuality that one will finish school and actually pursue a career that is related to their major? Oh, and let's not forget to mention changing your major numerous times throughout your college career.

I know far too many people who are in the same position (lifestyle wise, financially, etc.) pre and post graduating college. Wouldn't the world be so much more inviting if we could all do what we love with no restrictions? Of course it would be, but what's the excitement in that? We've been given this opportunity at life with unusual consequences and expectations. Unfortunately, not all of us are able to reach those expectations, which then sets us a back and deems us lower than others.

Those who manage to finish college whilst working, obtain a career that is related to their major, AND make something of it are truly inspirational. I wish I had the strength and dedication to push myself forth. Alas, I cannot seem to make it past the first year without gaping out and feeling reluctant. I think being happy is a highly important quality in life and I do not want to go on for four + years without that feeling.

I can't tell you where I see myself in five years. Heck, I can't even say what I'll be doing tomorrow (probably work, okay, you got me), but I have such an admiration for those who just KNOW what they're going to be doing. You leave me feeling very hopeful, whether for myself or others, I know that feeling exists. I do hope I end up somewhere, but where ever I end up, I know that it will be without the help of college.

My life long dreams?

- a writer (I don't want to be famous, I just want to publish some of my work for myself and for no one else. If you end up reading it, thank you. If you don't know my name within the next 20 years, I think you'll be missing out and I already hope that you've found something else to read).
- a stay at home mom (I really just want to love my future children with no restrictions, no boundaries).
- a food photographer (I love food. I love photography. One must have- just let me eat the food afterwards).
- a food blogger (I'll show you my recipes and teach you to love being a vegetarian/gluten intolerant woman. This applies to men, too).
- a model (Just let me keep the clothes and don't let me see my photos or else I'll critique them/begin to feel very shy).
- a teacher (I want to read extraordinary literature to young ens and teach them what writing is all about).
- a wardrobe consultant (I want to show you what TO wear and that less really is more).
- a nutritionist (I love being healthy, I love food, but I also love chocolate. Let me show you how you're going to love kale and everything in between and beyond).
- a comedian (I really, truly do think I'm awfully funny)
- a mother (I'm sappy and basic, and I know it).
- a professional bassist or drummer (Or both. Heavy music only).
-a professional coffee drinker (Because, "duh").
-a professional wine connoisseur (Also another "duh" statement).
-a librarian (Books. Need I say more?)

A majority of this blog post seems very irrelevant to the rest, but I was in a zone of babbling, not fluency. I apologize after the fact, but I hope you enjoyed this light read nonetheless.
What will the future of this blog entail? Well, I'm glad you asked!

Categories include, but are not limited to:

-my writing
-my recipes (and recipe tweaks aka a food blog)
-nutritional advice aka you don't know anything about the health world so I'm here to show you
-life (my life, your life, the outside life)
-reviews of literary works, recipes, music, etc.
-future dreams, aspirations, hopes, etc.

More in the making as soon as my brain is ready to release all of this weird build up containing vast regions of information.

Thanks for reading!

-Until next time

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